
10. Tasks/activites make things happen.

Below you can find a number of goals and tasks listed. The intention is that they should be discussed and well defined by us together, so that they can be organized in a network plan* and guide us to a good result. The reward to reach each goal has to be set by the project owner.

Organizing tasks into milestones and events

If you want something to happen, you have to do it a bit organized and you have to pay for the activities you hire others to do. It is activity planning in a nut shell. Tasks/activites lead to goals/milestones/events/indicators.

A milestone is a reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress. Any task with zero duration is automatically displayed as a milestone in for example MS Project.You can mark any task of any duration as a milestone, as well as phases (= a group of related tasks that completes a major step in a project).

This gives structure to the project and makes it easier for you to evaluate progress. If you want to work result oriented, the important is the event, symbolizing that you have reached a goal. How you reached the goal is less interesting. Therefore, the Project Planning Tool, Logical Framework Approach focus on indicators which are a certain kind of events similar to milestones showing a probable progress.

In this project we mix tasks and events in an initial phase, that will say what we want to do and which results we want to achieve. Most often it is clearly understood which is the aim with every separate activity. Sometimes it can be easier to implement what is expressed as an activity than to think of what you have to do and which problems you need to resolve to reach a goal expressed by an event.


Action orientation- focus on task (activity):
"Assemble 10 units successfully"

Result orientation- focus on event (milestone/indicator):
"10 units have been assembled and functions"

In the end it is reaching the goals, the results, that counts.

After each goal, there is a space for you to comment i.a.:
-What you think should be done and how!
-If you are ready to implement the goal.
-If you are ready to finance the implementation, how and
  with how much money.

Without your comments and confirmation,
nothing will happen.

You are also welcome to suggest new goals and activities for us. Do this in the space for comments here!

*A commonly used Project Management tool is the Logical Framework Approach (Metodo Quadro Logico) where the progress is followed up by indicators. The goals below are formulated to be able to function as indicators. A special method is to work with an appreciative incentive, that will say you focus on what already functions and try to go further from the good existing things. In an intercultural project this is especially important to support mutual understanding.

1 comment:

  1. The ten baseunits was produced with a combination of model, papper and digital intstrucions
