
9a. Business Plan Template

Executive Summary – Microsupport/Chicomo/MoEC Partnership

1. Introduction

2. The Partnership

3. Market Analysis
3.1 Industry Structure (Mozambique)
3.1.1 Physical Flow of Equipment
3.1.2 The End-User Market
3.1.3 Proliferation of Technical Schools
3.1.4 Purchasing Power
3.3 Potential Impact of local production

4. Production
4.1 Base Unit 2000
4.2 Microsupport Technology
4.3 Procurement

5. Strategy and Execution Plan
5.1 Project Management
5.1.1 Integrated Management
5.1.2 Choice of Manufacturing Location
5.1.3 Support from Government Institurions (CPI, MoF, MoE, MCT)
5.2 Marketing Strategy
5.2.1 Strategy
5.2.2 Distribution
5.2.3 Pricing
5.2.4 Promotion
5.2.5 P

6. Financial Plan
6.1 Cost Structure
6.1.1 Cost Structure the Base Units
6.1.2 Scaling Up Production
6.2 Financing Issues
6.2.1 Production of Base Units
6.2.2 Taxes and Tariffs
6.3 Summary of Financials
6.4 Financial Analysis

7. Management Team
7.1 Organisation Structure

1 comment:

  1. We decide at meting 6 dec 2009 to use this plan only make some changes to fit for the project in Beira PIREP.
