Edgar Baloi
Grupo Chicomo
699, Av. Base N'Tchinga
Maputo, Mozambique
Cell: +258844849650
Fax: +25821419004
Email: ebaloi@chicomo.com; vakavaloi@gmail.com
Skype name: edgarbaloi
Life style group
Alexandre, Adm. at Grupo Chicomo +258 823918080
Ministry of Education, Vocational and Technical Education

Gilberto Antero Botas, National Director
gilberto.botas@mec.gov.mz +258 21490192 +258 823150980
Edgar Baloi,Gilberto Botas, Glenn Johansson and Lars-Erik Rådemo at the Ministry of Education, discussing training of electricians.
The Industrial Institute in Maputo
Alberto Eugénio Banze, Director, +258826521090, +25821440113 Fax +25821415244
Discussing how to participate in the "Projekt Elstudenter"
Alberto Eugénio Banze
Antony Tembe, chef electronics +258825727113
Dinis Timane, chef informatics and IT electronics +258823831300
Paulo Santiago dir. pedagogics +258824621560
The Swedish School in Maputo
Headmaster at the Swedish School in Maputo
Daniel Broman, skandinaviskaskolan@skandskol.com, +258-82-5725297
Industrial Institute in Beira
Maria Bernadete Cipriano Director of the Industrial Institute in Beira +258824392770
Mussa Suale
+258 828648840
+258 847735059
In the electronic lab
Glenn and Mussa
Lars-Erik, Glenn, Mussa and ...
Mario Jouce Tenesse, Director Electricidade
+258 825214874
+258 844078602
Manuel Caliane
+258 821354800
Silva, Dir Industry School (15-17 years old students)
Chef at the mechanic workshop with a broken sparepart that he cannot find in Mocambique. Manintenance is a general problem.
English speaking student at the only functioning machine of ten
The beer factory in Beira
Louis Palege, Plant manager
+258 825167813
+258 843231370
Sales Manager
After work in Beira
Mussa Suale and Maria Bernadete Cipriano
Louis Palege and Manuel Caliane at Mira Mar
Mira Mar by night
Staff from the beer factory, the industrial institute and MicroSupport testing the products together
The Industrial Institute in Matola
General e-mail address to the Institute iicaeg@tdm.co.mz
Director Manuel Quissico, mquissico@tdm.co.mz
Chefe da Secretaria Maria Antonieta, ajaime@tdm.co.mz
Chefe do Depto Domingos Bila, domingosbila@tdm.co.mz
Chefe do Depto Lourdes Manhica, lourdesmanhica@tdm.co.mz
Tecnico Simao Vilanculos, simaodias@tdm.co.mz
Tecnica Maria da Graca, magava@tdm.co.mz
Docente Anezio Baptista, aneziobaptista@tdm.co.mz
Carlos Tembe, Dir Pedagogico at Mocal Industrial Institute Instituto Armando Gebosa
ctembe@tdm.co.mz was our guide.
Department of informatics
Dir. mechanical department
Dom Bosco teachers training centre
Film production around the corner
Film production in Adobe Premiere etc.
Rua Matheus Sansao Mutemba 350, Maputo
From MicroSupport in Sweden
Managing Director
Glenn Johansson glenn.johansson@microsupport.se
Sweden +46703320631; Mocambique +258 825778743
Skypename: glide1234
Sales Manager and board member
Lars-Erik Rådemo +46705571144
konsulthuset@gmail.com (larserik.rademo@microsupport.se)
Informations Production, Pedagogics & Management assistance
Sven Wallin +46739286390;+4659114451 (Sweden)
+258 826431941 (Mocambique)
Skypename svenigrythyttan
The hotels
Hotel Cardoso in Maputo
Hotel Jardim das Velas in Beira
Kerry Jakov, Manager, +25823312209, jardimdasvelas@yahoo.com
Taxi Faizal, +258829925147
Taxi Marcelo, +258823249130; +258847575758;
More contacts
Prof. Dr. Uranio at – Universidade Pedagogica, UPE de Jangeni +258823818430
Transtechnica, rua 24 Julho nr 703, Maputo, computers & equipment, Swedish founder
Jan Bodemark, Alcatel Fiber Project, Beira, (office behind Capri) orbita@teledata.mz
The Air Port in Maputo: Dr Paulus Mazuh +258 825077296
Please suggest corrections/additional information in comments!
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