
->4. Tools and material for 50 more units distributed to the assemblers

Indcates that staff exists that can handle a bigger production as well as the clearing procedure at the customs in Maputo.

Initially it was planned to send all the 50 units to the Industrial Institute in Beira to be assembled, since they have proved that they can manage the work well. After discussions with the Industrial Institutes in Maputo and in Matola and thinking about the possibility to get more experience of the function of the instruction material, digital as well as paper based, it would be the best solution to send 30 units to Beira, 10 units to Maputo and 10 units to Matola now and plan for the next shipment in good time. Beira has already done their 10 units and is ready to advance to a bigger production. Maputo is ready to start in August with students, who will assemble units as a kind of practical training, supervised by their teachers at the institute. This production model could also be tried out in Beira. Self employed assemblers / small companies outside the Industiral Institutes could also ge a chans to participate in a test production.

Later on it might be a good idéa to specialize the production at different places. At one place units could be assembled for example, at another place circuit boards could be fabricated and web based distance supervision could be tried out and at a third place course packages and instruction programs could be adapted and developed to local curriculum. Then, in the future, a web based cooperation and exchange of experience between the Industrial Instututes in Mocambique could be arranged. This is just an example of a vision. What will come out depends on which initiatives that will be taken at the different places and by individuals there.

Planned start date earliest:2009-05-11
Planned ready date latest:
Activities:Distribution of material
Estimated work time:
Estimated costs:
Responsible for implementation:Edgar Baloi
Responsible for payment:
Finished and ready date:

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