
2. How we are learning by doing ourselves

This presentation gives a hint of how you can use a digital material for learning by doing. It is easy and cheap to use pictures, even film clips and animations and to have a dialogue between creator and all readers. It is possible to correct the presentation until it is totally clear and in a form that everyone can agree on. It is also easy to make digital copies and print outs if needed.

In this case the whole thing is about metalearning, that will say learning about learning and how to organize learning in an efficient way with the help of indicators and administrative methods.

The training equipment is the set up of indicators which in the end, when well elaborated and defined, can be assembled to a logical framework approach or at least to a flow chart of goals and activities, related to a time shedule, like in the Outlook diary.

As you see, you can also use a built in translator to read the material in your own language, whichever it happens to be.


  1. This what we discussed very much this morning. Learning by doing. To do this its necessary to have equipment and perhaps enough computers also

  2. For using this tool to make comments you need to put on goggle acount and login.

  3. Sven is it possible to do this in an easier way?
